Make a New Normal

It isn’t always about you

"It isn't always about you" - a photo of a person holding a globe against their hip and standing in a field
"It isn't always about you" - a photo of a person holding a globe against their hip and standing in a field
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Not everybody believes the world revolves around them. But many think as if it does. And act like it should.

The irony of writing something for public consumption is not that it will be misunderstood. That’s inevitable. Or that people might take offense. That, too, is inevitable.

It’s that what you intend rarely matters to some readers. To them, only what they heard matters.

There’s comfort in knowing this isn’t universal. Or even true of most people, actually.

Being part of something bigger helps remind us we aren’t alone. We all know this.

Being part of something bigger that acts like it is part of something bigger is, perhaps, even more essential.