Make a New Normal

The Challenge for Moral Persuasion

a photo of a person outside with a megaphone - it evokes an image of leading a protest.

As a people, we aren’t divided; we’re fractured.

One people, split into many directions by different fissures: race, gender, morality, priority, governance, style…

We often act like there are two sides to a moment when there are really many. Difference of opinion is magnified and outrage becomes easy. Always Us vs. Them. Those two.

Us, therefore, becomes Them, too. When they have the audacity to be compassionate to the plight of others or show a willingness to compromise. Or if we both hate Them, we can become an Us. At least for now. Until something makes them a Them again.

None of this reflects actual politics. Not even the theater that masquerades as politics. Because real politics involves all three dimensions of reality. Not the false one-dimensional binary of Us/Them.

The hidden cost is our moral imagination and the vision needed to persuade.

To stand up and say 
We believe in the dignity of others. 
People are worthy of sympathy regardless of income.

Because, even these, are filtered into an inaccurate binary and rendered too sympathetic with Them.

And similarly, the false tool for an unsympathetic Us. Hmmm…Yes, of course, thoughts and prayers.

Those of us who are called to a vocation of moral persuasion are being neutralized by a blind politics of division. And this faulty vision of our world paints us, not as partners in conviction and practitioners of courage, but as stooges of empire. Like King’s dreaded white moderate: ineffectual as ally and stumbling block to justice.

Then what do we do?

We won’t be given the preferential place of our collective memory. Nor the esteemed place few experts still enjoy.

All we have is ourselves. Our integrity. Vision. Hope. Concern for others. And dreams. Deep dreams of a much better world. Dreams that resemble the dreams of countless others throughout the centuries.

We have these things and we have our voice. So use it.

No, it doesn’t matter whether or not you have the right platform. There is no such thing. But you can find one. Social Media is free. You can set up a blog or newsletter in minutes. Or better yet, find some friends. Get together with them. And share those dreams.

Not to list the million ways we’re doing things wrong. But to talk about what is and what could be. What your dreams look like. And maybe what you think it might take to get there.

Share your dreams. Experience other people’s dreams. And if you really want to make something happen, take someone else’s dream and help them make it real.