Make a New Normal

Disciple—and the process of change

a photo of a group following a person at dusk

People chose to follow Jesus. Why? Something about him was attractive. Something drew them.

Discipleship isn’t just following the rabbi around, though. It isn’t just attraction. Disciples are students. They watch, mimic, and practice the work of the master.

It might start with attraction: being drawn to him: but it doesn’t stay there.

The crowds, too, are drawn to Jesus. So it isn’t just attraction. It must be something else.

Change. They follow Jesus because he offers them a better life. Or, more precisely, a better way of living.

We aren’t passive receivers of our situation; a life happening around us, without us.

Discipleship is about integrating the rabbi’s way of life into our own so that we become more like them. We want to change our priorities and practices.