Make a New Normal

Alone—when solitude and presence meet

"Alone" - a photo of a person looking out a window
"Alone" - a photo of a person looking out a window
Photo by Noah Silliman on Unsplash

At the Transfiguration, a few disciples see Moses and Elijah appear with Jesus. Then, when they blink, Jesus is alone.

This reminds me that Jesus is never alone.

And I do mean literally. At one point, he’d spent days trying to get five minutes to himself.

I also mean it metaphysically. After all, he is part of the Trinity.

On the cross, in one account, he names aloneness, however. A potential slip into fear, perhaps?

It reminds me of my own seeking of solitude and the literal desire for alone time. But also how people I love are always with me; even those I’ll never see again. And I think about how God is with me, even without feeling a presence.

Even in solitude, being alone is never truly necessary.