Make a New Normal

Andrew’s simple invitation

"Andrew's simple invitation" - a photo, taken through a window, of two people talking at their laptops.
"Andrew's simple invitation" - a photo, taken through a window, of two people talking at their laptops.
Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

There’s a fascinating humility to the portrayal of John the Baptist in the Gospel of John. He knows his place in the event. Which is both courageous and self-aware.

And when he points out Jesus to two of his own disciples, they ditch him. Not so much like an upgrade, but as closer to the heart of the matter. As in, if he is the Messiah, of course we’d go and follow him? Like, isn’t that the most obvious option?

One of those disciples, Andrew, makes the next obvious and logical leap. I have found the Messiah, so I should tell my brother about it. Of course he’d want to know.

Many of us shrink at the idea of asking people about personal things. But Andrew doesn’t see this as personal or public. He sees it as important. Important enough for John to tell him. And important enough to tell his brother.