Make a New Normal

My 3 Words for 2023

My 3 Words 2023
My 3 Words 2023

Join with others and pick three words to guide the year!

How it works

It’s dead simple. I just pick three words. Different. Not a sentence. And no the, and, or really any other preposition.

Three words that can guide you for the year. Seriously, this is better than a resolution

Pick three with intention. It works.

But don’t just take my word for it. There’s a whole community of people doing this each year and sharing it under the hashtag: #my3words.

There aren’t a lot of rules other than pick three and don’t get too clever. Keep it simple.

My Previous 3 Words

Here is what I have used the last seven years:

2016 – Enjoy. Excite. Evangelize.
2017 – Gather. Lead. Play.
2018 – Decide. Minimize. Poetry.
2019 – Concentrate. Human. Experiment
2020 – Passion. Change. Delight.
2021 – Slow. Share. Ship.
2022 – Plan. Act. Celebrate.

Here’s what I did last year.

My Three Words for 2023

Family – This one is pretty obvious. Family is important. And, like a lot of people, the last three years have prompted a serious reevaluation.

Postproductive – I’m playing with an affirmative version of this word, but this is what I have. Like postmodern theory critiques and moves beyond modernism, I’m working on what it means to live in a postproductive age. Because our obsession with productivity is killing us.

Brave – There is a lot of hard work to do this year. And some serious decisions to make. And the only way forward is to silence the fear. Do hard things. Be brave.

What are your 3 Words?

Do you want to give a try? Think about it, then start. Put them where you can see them and look at them daily.

And don’t forget to share them with me and the whole internet using the hashtag #my3words.

What more inspiration? Here is Chris Brogan’s list for 2022: