Looking ahead to Christmas, we first have to look at Joseph.
As we approach Christmas, we’re used to thinking about the Holy Family as we prepare for the birth of Jesus. But in Year A, we get Matthew’s dreamtime angel visitation with Joseph. That is definitely not what we usually have in mind.
One of my favorite things about the lectionary is that it invites us to see different parts of the story over the three year cycle. For the big days, we often get the same readings, but not for the seasonal days.
This particular encounter is definitely different than Luke’s version, which focuses on Mary and her family.
There is much to focus on in this one. Especially if you want to dig into the history, gender, or family dynamics. You may want to reflect on Matthew’s depictions and use of angels. The evangelist uses them throughout the early part of the narrative.
I, however, always feel compelled to see the first three chapters as one arc. This makes it hard for me to focus on Joseph here, without also thinking of Herod, Holy Innocents, and exile. Much like the Incarnation brings to mind, for many, the Crucifixion and Resurrection. It’s all always there.