Make a New Normal

What do you seek?

"What do you seek?" - a photo of a wilderness scene.
"What do you seek?" - a photo of a wilderness scene.
Photo by Kevin Brunet on Unsplash

Jesus invites us to a different vision.

For Sunday
Advent 3A


Stir up your power, O Lord, and with great might come among us; and, because we are sorely hindered by our sins, let your bountiful grace and mercy speedily help and deliver us; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with you and the Holy Spirit, be honor and glory, now and for ever.



From Matthew 11:2-11

“What did you go out into the wilderness to look at?”


Last week, we were introduced to John the Baptist in the Wilderness. Now, this is much later. Jesus’s ministry is in full swing. John has been arrested and is languishing in prison. And from there he sends some of his disciples out to get the real dirt on Jesus.

It is quite a sympathetic moment, I think. Most of us can imagine how difficult it must be: expecting such great things from Jesus, the prophecy. And then find ourselves … underwhelmed by the results.

I’d hazard a guess that if it were us, we’d be doing the same thing.

I also suspect that if we were in Jesus’s shoes, we’d be defensive. How dare he question me! Or perhaps a bit more explainy: You don’t know what my mission really is, John. How could you? Don’t you trust me?

Thankfully Jesus isn’t so defensive.

He sends back word to John: keep watching.

Then as he goes, Jesus turns to the crowd, who no doubt watched all of this play out, and he asks them what they left the city to see.

They were minding their own business, trying to survive, and heard about this prophet wandering in the wilderness, baptizing people in the river. They left homes and security to check it out.

What compelled them? What drew them? For the world to stay the same? For things to be difficult? Or for the powers that be to rule forever? Of course not!

And who did they expect to find? Someone that reinforced that order? A dude dressed like a king? Or did they expect a prophet?

Do you expect him to offer you power or freedom?

The Way that Jesus offers us is not a shortcut to power or the certainty of supremacy. It isn’t the luxury of wealth or the attraction of privilege.

Jesus invites us to the courage found in the wilderness; the hope found among the people; faith that leads to change; love that moves mountains on behalf of the oppressed.

Not what we expect to want, but what we most desire.