Make a New Normal

Making some Bullet Journal videos

"Making some Bullet Journal videos"

a photo of my bullet journal
My bullet journal

Do you bullet journal? Or don’t, but want to know how? Or, perhaps, tried it and didn’t quite get into it?

Bullet journaling is cool. And can be frustrating when you don’t understand it.

It can seem dumb and a lot of work, if you listen to the wrong people.

I’ve bullet journaled consistently for four years and have found very few resources that helped me truly understand why bullet journaling is as valuable as it is.

So I decided to make them myself.

I’ve started making some videos about how to bullet journal and what we get wrong about it. Just for fun.

But mostly because I haven’t found the kind of videos I needed over the last few years. And I know there’s got to be someone like me out there who needs the help I did.

If that’s you, or maybe you want to learn a little more about bullet journaling, check the first ones out here on my main channel.