Make a New Normal

Holy — a tension of royalty and humility

In Palm Sunday, we get the bittersweet realization that we’re not going to get to kill our enemies and assume power.

Palm Sunday is a head trip of a day for most of us.

Jesus enters Jerusalem in a display that has conflicting overtones. It seems like a regal display of power and a humble display of lowliness. It’s both.

The church invites us each year to address this tension head on. We go from Hosannas to “Crucify him!” in a matter of minutes.

We usually do this by focusing on Jesus, which is remarkably good advice, of course.

And what we see is a messiah who would do no violence, an heir who would take no throne, and a son of humanity who would be murdered by humans.

We do this because we need to go through this tension to fully comprehend the death that God will rebuke in the resurrection. Because we might struggle to call that “good”.