Make a New Normal

Gospel – what makes good news

Gospel, like “good news” is loaded. And WE don’t always like it. But the question was never whether we like it.

This most familiar word, gospel, is very particular. It’s a church word. And not just any church word. We associate it with Jesus. His life and ministry. What he commands.

The word means “good news” which is also familiar. But not necessarily as a church word. We associate it with something we like to hear. Like someone has gotten into college or a test came back negative. This good news is news that brings relief or joy.

What connects these versions of good news is the idea that what God is doing is good news. That what Jesus is preaching is good news.

When Jesus describes the scripture’s fulfillment in his bringing the good news to the poor and proclaiming the year of the Lord’s favor, we’re called to see that as relief and joy. He’s naming what good news really means for us.

Whether we actually like it or not.