Make a New Normal

Joy – something better than happy

When we speak of joy, it is easy to think of it as the same as being happy. Something that just explodes out of us, bringing a seasonal festiveness out of us. But when we’re not feeling that way, we think maybe there’s something wrong with us.

It sometimes seems as if happy is the default expectation for being in our world. Like we must always be happy. As if other emotions, when present, are unwelcome.

I have come to see joy as an antidote to this kind of dogmatic thinking.

Joy, like anger, sadness, worry, or disgust, is a sensation. So it is fleeting. But it is also something we can cultivate.

This time of year, I strive to focus less on what I’m not. Instead, I strive to be open to God’s presence, anticipating it, and finding joy wherever it is discovered.