Make a New Normal

Starting out will always be hard

The trick is to never start.

This sounds like terrible advice. And it is, out of the wider context. Which is actually the source of most of our struggle: context.

Getting started is always hard. There is no getting around it.

Doing something for the first time, starting a project, starting your week, starting a new habit takes a lot of effort. Every time. And when we actually get started, we think we have two options: start or quit; do or do not. {Cue Yoda}

The thing about nearly any habit is you only really ever need to truly start once.

That very first time was really hard. But we don’t have to treat every time like a new first time.

If this isn’t your first project or your first Monday, then you’re not actually starting. You’re doing.

Now doing when we feel rusty–that’s another story. And one with similar solution.

Make it so you don’t have to start.

Keep going. Make the plans while you’re still moving. Give your Monday Self a head start to pick up where you left off. They will thank you when the time comes.