What does it mean to be human? In part 1, we explored the idea we call “original sin,” with a particular interest in its limitations.
Now let’s explore what a broader view of human nature looks like.
- What are some of the one-sided assumptions people make about human nature? Which ones do you tell yourself?
- Think of a time when you felt free “to love, to create, to reason, and to live in harmony with creation and with God.” What was it like? What’s stopping you from doing that now?
Keep Thinking
Make a list of all the ways people use to describe inherent badness in humanity (saying things like “everybody cheats/lies/etc.” or “you can’t trust anybody”). Make a second list of people or personal experiences of human goodness. Compare your lists and how they relate to each other. Give yourself the chance to see how distorting our assumptions can be.

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