God of Hope, be with me, with us today. Inspire us, encourage us, stir us up that we might know you better. That we might love you better. That we might see you, among these friends, today. Amen.
The format is simple. Some teaching, some talking, some summarizing, some homework.
- When has communion been most meaningful to you? Describe how it felt. What captivates you in remembering?
- We sometimes struggle with the connection between the physical and the spiritual. Describe the relationship between your physical hunger and your spiritual hunger.
Further Study
- Read different communion rites. Note the different parts, what they communicate, and how they do so. Try writing your own.
- Explore the physical parts of your present world and your acts of communing with others. If you live with others, eat with them and invite God to join you in a blessed meal.
- Diana Butler Bass is inviting us to make a robust communion theology in the midst of social distancing a priority. Read her article at Church Anew: https://churchanew.org/blog/2020/05/01/butlerbass1
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