Make a New Normal

Rob Bell on Politics and Guns: “We don’t do despair”

Rob Bell on Politics and Guns- -We don't do despair

In a series of episodes on The RobCast called simply “Politics and Guns,” Rob Bell deals with many of the issues surrounding the politics of guns in the United States.

He begins with perhaps the most important starting place: politics.

Rob Bell on Politics and Guns- -We don't do despair

'Don't pretend that nothing can be done.' Click To Tweet

Through the arc of the series, Bell describes the nuance of the political landscape, with particular interest for what those of us who are Christian are called to recognize and deal with. Using data, narrative, compelling testimony, and Biblical exegesis, Bell makes a compelling case over the course of the series that should be the baseline for all conversation around the topic, particularly for the church.

  1. Acknowledge and admit that there is a gun violence problem in the United States.
  2. Respond with integrity to that problem.
  3. Do not use personal attacks or disparage those honestly wrestling with the issue.
  4. And most importantly, don’t pretend that nothing can be done. Because that is about as unChristian a character as there is. “We don’t do despair.”

I commend the whole series to you.

Politics and Guns

  1. Politics is a Good Word
  2. The Endless Tension
  3. The Power of Policy
  4. The United States of America
  5. The Question at the Heart of the Empire
  6. We Can Do This

Originally touted as a 5-part series, Bell discovers midway through that 5 parts won’t be enough to cover it all. He also admits he’ll probably add to the series later.

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