Make a New Normal

The Public Id

The Public Id

The problem with demagogues is never their action. By the time they have the power to act, it is much too late to stop them.

The problem is their speech. It intoxicates and infuriates. It draws all the moths to its fiery substance and burns us with its hatred.

The Public Id

'The danger is in the few appearing as many.' Click To Tweet

It is dishonest to let the demagogue speak, for he shouts over the truth, undermines accuracy, and evades restriction. It is not just to call him one of the many, for he is always one of the few.

The danger is in the few appearing as many.

So why do the many now appear so few?

Where are the activists for love?
Where are those radicalized to a calling of peace?
Where are those waging reconciliation with community and neighbor and world?
Where are the rebels of hope and function in a world torn apart by dysfunction?
Where are the rulebreakers willing to feed those we hate and clothe those we despise and free those we spit upon?
Where are the just ones who bring freedom to the captive and power to the weak?
Where are the merciful who give respect to the outcast and choice to the restricted?
Where are the peacemakers who stand in no man’s land demanding the armies disarm?
And then gather the fighters all around in solidarity and invite them to call each other brother?

For this is the balance to the demagogue. This is the picture of his opposite.

There is no fairness and balance where the evil speaks and the good is silenced. There is no justice and integrity where the weak are pushed down and the powerful are free to lie. There is no hope where GOD is relegated to the bedroom and the false justification of war. There is no peace where violence is celebrated or ignored and the freedom to be reckless is raised above the freedom to be safe.

While our election season is full of demagoguery, its opposite is invisible, working the phones, visiting the sick, the imprisoned, the homeless, walking the streets. The hope is building through relationships and opportunities to share the love of GOD, the peace of Christ, and the hope of the Spirit.

But we could always help it along a little. Don’t you think? Like the bikers blocking Westboro Baptist Church at funerals. Or speaking up in danger, like Malala Yousafzai or Desmond Tutu. Or replacing hate with love. Even on Facebook.

Jesus doesn’t stand with the demagogue but with the one his enforcers beat to a pulp.

While politicians try to convince you to help take the country back with violent rhetoric, people of faith must stand with victims and the weak and say that we are transforming the world for love. And when we love one another, we cannot be defeated.


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4 responses

  1. colettect Avatar

    Thank you for speaking out at this important time when faith itself us being attacked. Whenever one tries to divide us, speaks against the “red words” and incites people to do the opposite of what Jesus lived, I do think faith itself us being attacked. Hard as it is, Jesus told us not to be afraid, go love our enemies, to stand with the oppressed and so much more which you covered so well. Too many of as act as if Christians are oppressed because of ciiffee cups. Too many of us act is if Christianity is supposed to make us wealthy with money and seal us from those with less. That isn’t how Jesus lived. We were warned following Jesus would be hard. It is! It is also inspiring, filling us with hope and love. Anyone who tells us to separate, to hate, to be angry and suspicious is leading us from God. We must love our enemies. We must love ourselves. We cannot allow words to embolden forces of hate.

    1. Right on, Collette!

  2. The demagogues scare me. I feel that should the national election go to the demagogue that I will have to leave the USA and find safer haven somewhere else.

    1. I totally understand that. And I thought it was bad 12 years ago. It was nothing like this.

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