Make a New Normal


Optimistic: a poem

Optimistic: a poem

I have the most optimistic friends.

Despite all evidence to the contrary,
they believe that so much is possible!
It’s inspiring, truly.

I’m not sure how. Every time,
they just keep believing:
cutting taxes will make them wealthier
moving will make them happier
keeping out refugees will make them safer
money can fix their problems
someone else will pay for roads
and schools and public safety
and water and safe food and
the invisible hand will hold them
in the loving embrace of global capitalism
less care will make us healthier
fewer laws will make us kinder
prison will break our addictions
will power will prevent sex
repealing laws will make better law
people will just stop killing each other
and killing killers will prevent more killing
talking tough is a feasible foreign policy
as is just bombing everybody
blue ribbons will build trust in law enforcement
a demagogue can somehow prevent tyranny
states are more important than the whole country
cities are better than states
and certainly more capable, too
but a president can fix everything
texts must have plain meanings
and founders are smarter
just like our kids
there’s always more pork to cut
more waste to be found
a newer pill
newer technology
and the Dow will keep going up up up
and gas prices down down down
jobs will appear out of nowhere
and being good at stuff will make fat cash rain
hair dye will make them younger
and cure their cancer
culture can be fixed
political revolutions happen
without violence
copious coffee can keep us going
accidents will never happen
nor can we cause them
love can be bought and
love can be shared
hope can be restored
communities can be rebuilt
unity can be established
and then true, lasting peace will reign on earth.

Such optimism! Such will and opportunity!
A testament to the power of the human spirit.
And yet, when it comes to gun violence
all these friends become born again pessimists.

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5 responses

  1. Jonnee Westernx Avatar
    Jonnee Westernx

    What is an emergence Christian? And why do you need all that public
    profile stuff?

    1. I think a lot of people simply do not think religious/spiritual things through before making a commitment. They just do whatever their family has always done. I heard phrase that one person used Ro describe themselves. They were Catholic because they were “born into it.” Now what in the world does that mean? As far as I can tell our lives are no different from from one another, except she’s a declared capitalist & i am definitely progressive/almost socialist. If she has been born into catholicism how doetjat make her lifany differemt from mine? I have changed church affliation several times, because we have simply grown apart. Funny thing, though, rarely have I ever been looked up to see how I am doing or just to touch bases for old times or because we had been good friends??? Most of the time the only people in the congregation that I can relate to are the ministers. I’m probably not doing this right. I’ve never responded to a blogbefore. Anyway those are my curremt thoughts today. So there you have it! I do like your thoughts in your news letter. Jonnee Western.

      1. Thanks! You are doing fine!

    2. I’ll share a link when I get back to the office.

      The public profile is, to me, about evangelism. I want to help people who, like me, can have a hard time getting connected with a church or have only seen a certain kind of Christianity that doesn’t reflect them. I know I would’ve wanted that.

    3. Here’s an introduction to why I call myself an emergence Christian:

      “Emergence” is no longer an “it” word. But as a movement and a moment, it was always confused for an esthetic or a fad, rather than an age and shifting sensibility among many Christians.

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