Make a New Normal

Start Here


This is awesome! You’re here. I’m here. We’re chatting, maybe it’s at Starbucks and I’ve got coffee, a laptop, some books, and we’re talking about what this life is all about. And you’ve got some ideas and some questions and I’ve got some of my own and there just isn’t enough time to cover it all. Not in this moment.

So we start with weather and the chit chat, but we both know that’s just getting our voices ready to actually talk about the hard stuff, because we can’t really just dive in, can we? We can’t just talk about the meaning of it all and what God has to do with it. We can’t talk about our faith and our behaviors and our churches without making some safe space for it. So we just slowly wind our way there.

Sometimes it just seems like all we do is prepare ourselves to speak, but we never actually speak. We never get to the real questions, or we settle on pat excuses. Like “this is just a cycle” or “they’ll be back” or “what else are we going to do” because “we’ve always done it this way.” Not here. You can skip that with me. This thing we’re trying to do is too important not to cut to the chase.

We’re trying to change the world and change our lives.

So I want to help you dive into the stuff that interests you most. If you want to read more about that, check out my About page.



Take a few minutes to take a look around. To make it easier, I’ve included some of my most popular articles and a few of my personal favorites. Then check out some of the things you can do to take this thing to the next level.

Read a series

Thirty-one Theses by Drew Downs
Faith Choices - Pinterest
Deconstruct Church


Read a devotional series

Read some favorite articles

Read by Topic


Read preaching materials

Read other works

Read an ebook

A Church for All
Faith Forward

Next steps

Make Something

Go, make something, and share it. That is what we’re called to. And have fun!