The image of hundreds of people going out into the wilderness to hear a prophet tell them they need to change their ways feels both obvious and absurd. How often do we hear that people hate change, for instance? And yet, how often do we hear people of faith talk about their own sinfulness and that we all need to be redeemed by Christ?
The idea that we are in need of change and also that we are allowed, by some force of nature to resist it, is a delightful paradox.
And yet, we rarely struggle with seeing our need to change in New Year’s resolutions, for example. We all could lose some weight or cut back on some vice or more fully embrace a beloved virtue.
In a sense, recognizing the need to change is the easier part. Seeing that we actually can change is the bigger part.
There are methods that can help us make our changes stick. But the real hump to get over is seeing this necessary change as possible. And good for us.