A look at the gaps in the lectionary.
This week: the gap between Advent 2C + 3C
The text: Luke 1-2
There is no gap in the lectionary this week, but the need for context remains from last week. We need to remember that stuff happens in the gospel of Luke before John the Baptist shows up. And some of that stuff is the stuff we’ll be focusing on next.
While our context hasn’t changed from last week, the text turns to John’s encounter with the people who have come to hear his message of repentance. And it is a very different feel from the first few verses of the chapter. So perhaps our focus this week needs to remain steady on the context and the call—on this prophet coming out of the wilderness, drawing people into the wilderness because the people are oppressed and their land is occupied by a ruthless empire and they are all looking for salvation.
When we keep this message clear in our minds, we have a better means of understanding the message John brings: “a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.”
This is grace, my friends. Grace to be forgiven, transformed, saved.