Make a New Normal

Seasoning—the saltiness of living well

a photo of a person salting their french fries

Jesus speaks of his disciples being “salted with fire,” which is a far more useful image than it sounds. Fire and salt both have a strange reputation in modern American thinking. But they are seasoning and inspiration, preservative and passion.

His speculation that we are seasoned by God, our flavor is enhanced and awakened by grace. But if this flavor enhancer loses its flavor, there isn’t a way to get that back.

This, however, isn’t a scarcity image. It is to speak to the absence of alternatives to the abundant, inspiring grace of God. That our lives are enriched and seasoned, not merely by aging, or perhaps even human experience, but by grace. We have joy in our lives. We have thrills and love and hope in our lives. We have passion and compassion in our lives because God invites us in to experience it and we embrace this grace with anticipation and hope.