Make a New Normal

Between Proper 20 + 21 (Year B)

Between — a photo of a city street lit up at night.

A look at the gaps in the lectionary.

This week: the gap between Proper 20B & 21B
The text: Mark 9

This week, we continue in chapter nine of the gospel of Mark—after Jesus’s second passion prediction and the disappointment of the disciples—when the disciples stumble on an ally. Someone casting out demons in the name of Jesus. It’s a fascinating story.

Patient readers should go back and read last week’s Between when we explored the jump from the end of chapter eight to the the middle of nine. Because this there is thematic symmetry and recurring ideas that need to marinate next to each other as we proceed.

When you do, take particular note of the disciples’ inability to cast out a demon—for when we talk about this man’s ability now. Take note, too, of what Jesus said in last week’s gospel about a child, and his use of “these little ones” here.

There are big themes and narrative and theological implications of this essential chapter in Mark that go beyond the Transfiguration and Passion Prediction.