Make a New Normal

Bad News—our fear of talking about death

a photo of people at a burial

We can probably relate to the feeling the disciples have when Jesus talks about dying in Jerusalem. We don’t like talking about this stuff any more than they do.

I suspect we all know this is a problem, right? That we’re supposed to be better at it. In general. And with Jesus and ourselves, specifically. After all, Jesus didn’t stay dead. We are people of a resurrected Messiah and savior of the world.

Maybe it feels wrong. Like we’re not supposed to talk about it or we might manifest it into existence. This, of course, is fear and pain talking.

What if, instead, we recognize the hope and generosity in talking about death in advance? In sharing our wishes with people we love and encourage them to share with us? What if we invited each other to accept the fear and thrive on hope, like Jesus?