Make a New Normal

Oath—the problem with promises

a photo of a handshake

Jesus teaches that the problem with oaths is in the making of them. And why is that?

The word oath brings images of kids pricking fingers and squeezing them together or wizards making promises that could end in death. But an oath is simply a promise—a promise to put something over other things. It is a way of binding our future selves to a course of action, a commitment, that we might not be otherwise inclined to ensure.

In short, it is a promise to put something before something else—even our own morals, commitments, and allegiances. Say…God, for example.

Promises and commitments aren’t bad. But they can compromise us and divide our loyalties. Like our loyalties between God and family. Or God and nation. When a loyalty to God is always supposed to be first.

Jesus offers a different approach. One that doesn’t divide or restrict our future selves, but invites and encourages.

He says to let your word speak. Promises aren’t necessary when your word is good. When you are dependable and generous, you’ll be there.