Make a New Normal

Dreams are too important for your skepticism

a photo of a person sitting, a light effect twisting around them

Describing the divine project in words and images is quite easy. Believing they can happen, however, is much harder.

We might fumble our words or seek to define them again in new ways. Or go looking for more information, more teaching, to help us make sense of it. To get better at embodying it. Doing it right. Just like the pious young man, we want to be right and do right and be confident of it all.

We show way too much skepticism toward our most precious dreams. And give way too much power to the voices (external and internal) who want us to never realize them. Who think we aren’t good enough, too sinful, too weak, too anything at all.

Skepticism isn’t inherently virtuous. Our common dream for a better world deserves way more faith than we give it. And far more joy in creating it.