The concept of equality has never implied “the same”. Nor has it ever meant an absence of variance, diversity, or individual accomplishment.
These, however, are the straw man arguments used to reject the very nature of equality.
So we rein in our expectations for equality. We suggest it is about opportunity—to diminish our hopes and prevent deeper conversations. And therefore not deal with injustice at all.
Some split off the conversation. They cede the idea of equality, allowing it to become the concept of equal opportunity, to define the pursuit of more just outcomes as something else we call equity.
All of this is built on false arguments about what equality is and minimized ambitions about what to do about its absence.
Stop buying into it.
Here are some things equality offers us
besides opportunity:
- Kinship
- Community
- Dignity
- Willing partners
- Freedom to do something different
- Justice
- Being included
- Education
- A positive place in society
- A future
- People cheering you on
- Diversity of outcomes
- Security
Sure, equal opportunities are essential. And if you’re 5’2 you probably won’t make it in the NBA. But there is a whole lot of equality that we all pretend isn’t even part of the conversation. That isn’t just dumb. It’s dishonest.
And it ensures that even when we have the most equal of opportunities, we will also never actually have equality. And that’s by design.