Whatever we make of Nicodemus coming to Jesus at night, we’re bound to get it right by half.
Showing up at night demonstrates either cowardice or intelligence. It is either a sign of nefarious and duplicitous intent, or else it is when new things are born.
So when it comes to Nicodemus, I think the answer gets to be “yes”.
This encounter also gives us the chance to see that strange technique in John’s storytelling in which one story just kind of…disappears behind Jesus’s teaching. If this were a movie, the camera would slowly pan from the two of them, to Jesus alone, then keep moving, revealing a new scene somewhere else.
This evangelist, John, is known for his stories and sweeping arcs. So, however we paint Nicodemus here, we have to contend with him later, when we find he has become a secret disciple. Something Jesus obviously must endorse.
There are many themes to work with here. And the one I’m most drawn to is always the one I need to hear.