Make a New Normal

Beloved—It’s better than being better

"Beloved" - a photo of two people reaching out and holding hands while riding bikes.
"Beloved" - a photo of two people reaching out and holding hands while riding bikes.
Photo by Everton Vila on Unsplash

As the calendar turns to a new year, we often feel compelled to start something new. The phrase “new year” is synonymous with resolutions. And what is a resolution, but the desire to become better than we are.

This, of course, is not just the impulse of the moment, but of the gospel. And there are few things more universal than the expectation that going to church will make us better people.

In the story about Jesus’s baptism, we hear the voice of God call Jesus “the Beloved.” A word that contrasts strikingly with our own words for him: king, savior, Lord.

Being beloved isn’t better. It isn’t part of a track toward empowerment or personal growth. Nor is it part of evaluation culture. It is simply about love. Specifically being loved by someone who chooses to love. Just like we are called to do. To love each other.