Make a New Normal

Stones? — yes, humans are replaceable

"Stones? — yes, humans are replaceable " - a photo of stones stacked on top of each other.
"Stones? — yes, humans are replaceable " - a photo of stones stacked on top of each other.
Photo by Sean Stratton on Unsplash

Our part in the family line means less than we think.

When John the Baptizer is scolding the religious leaders who come to him to be baptized, he makes a shocking claim. They can’t rest on their family line because God can replace them with stones.

I don’t think these are idle words or the hyperbole of an enraged prophet. They strike a very different and instructive chord. They are more the words of a man putting humanity in its place.

I’m reminded of God’s instructions to the first human in Genesis: to care for creation. Not enslave it or oppress it.

Our work is 100% relational.

As stewards, we protect all of creation, including its people. We don’t exploit or destroy, overlook or consume.

This is our job: to be in right relationship with God, each other, and creation. Or God will make someone else to do it for us.