We love the idea of broadening our perspective. Because we know we all see things differently. We also still love being right.
Years ago, I took the Strengths Finder assessment. It confirmed what I already know about myself. But getting a seemingly objective “other” to see it too can be quite helpful.
One thing it affirmed was an ability to see from multiple perspectives. The skill of walking a mile in other people’s shoes. A great thing for gaining more info. Not so great for making decisions.
So one of the challenges of adding points of view is that it reveals to us a more accurate sense of the world. Which makes it hard to “be right” about anything in particular.
Of course, being right leads to making others see we’re right. Certainty breeds the need to dominate. To make them see what we see. So even as we see more perspectives, we may also gain certainty. Humility, then, is all the more important.