Make a New Normal


a season of gratitude and anticipation

As we prepare, gather, and eat dinners over a long holiday weekend or campout for the “best deals of the season” at the annual shopping bacchanalia, we are drawn by the season to an attitude of gratitude.

The funny thing is just how alien thankfulness sounds in 2021.

I certainly have encountered people who express gratitude these days. But the mood is generally far more bitter, frustrated, or tired. People are understandably tired of living in a pandemic and want to be over it.

In seasons like this: season of the year, of life, of pandemics: a posture of thankfulness is most valuable. Thankfulness is both an antidote to our own doldrums and a curative balm to those around us. So we can actually gift each other real, lasting hope.

Attitudes are infectious. It’s up to us to decide if that is a good thing.