God of Hope, be with me, with us today. Inspire us, encourage us, stir us up that we might know you better. That we might love you better. That we might see you, among these friends, today. Amen.
The format is simple. Some teaching, some talking, some summarizing, some homework.
- What does your tradition say about communion? How does that compare with what you say?
- When have you felt most connected to God? When have you known the presence of Jesus?
Further Study:
- Read several Eucharistic prayers. They can be from your or various other traditions. What do they have in common? Who are they pointed toward?
- Write out a Eucharistic theology. Try to put into words what it means to participate in communion.
- Engage with friends about what communion means to them and why they feel the way they do. Invite them to explore where that meaning has come from.
For more on Holy Communion, check out this lesson on virtual communion.
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