Make a New Normal

New Look in the New Year

Followers of this blog know that I like to tweak the look, feel, and nature of this site on a pretty regular basis. Part of it is that I’m a tinkerer. Part of it is that I am always on the lookout for something a little closer to perfect. Occasionally, I’ve changed the site dramatically.

I was very fond of my first site: Uncollusion. I realized that I didn’t want the name to a negative, so I bought my own domain name and changed the focus to cover the challenge of entering a new ministry search. From the beginning, the current name (originally Shoegaze Faith before adding the “My” before it) was obscure and far too personal an idea. I have never been satisfied with any of these attempts to “brand” myself.

In the next couple of months, I am going to do a medium shift of the site again. Some will be cosmetic (switching the site’s “theme”) and some will be in focus. So I’d like your help. If you are a regular reader of my blog, I’d like to hear what it is about it that draws you. If you scan it occasionally, let me know which posts you’ve stopped and read through.

I expect that those that have started following me have many different reasons for doing so. Like my Dad. My friends. Sometimes even my wife. They are all supportive, and I’m thankful for the kind words they’ve shared with me from time to time. Now I’m looking to hear when I’ve been at my best. What has inspired you to retweet or share my work with others.

Perhaps more importantly, I want to know what you hope to find when you see a post in your email box, when you click through Twitter or Facebook, or when you go through your bookmarks or RSS reader. Are you hoping to laugh or learn? Are you hoping for more pictures of my kids? More reflections on the church or current affairs?

The type of content won’t change, but I’m looking to tailor its focus a smidge and I’d love to get some help. Please give it some thought and feel free to respond in the comment stream, on Facebook, or by email. I would truly love to hear from you.

2 responses

  1. Bill and Dawn Harrison Avatar
    Bill and Dawn Harrison

    Good Morning Drew, As you are my very favorite “lefty” it seems to me that our relationship from the very beginning in Newnan has exemplified what I’m convinced is the answer to how people with differing views should interact. For me, it has always been about reconciling differing views, not compromising or pandering. That can and always has been difficult, but in the spirit of God’s love it IS possible . . . reflective not reactive, listening not talking, etc. Enough of that, but I enjoy your sermons as different approached to scriptural themes than what I hear her at St. Gregory’s, Boca Raton. I also enjoy most of your commentaries because they make me think. ONce in awhile you are “over the top” for me, but there’s no gun to my head . . . keep on keepin’ on! For what its worth, our Men’s Spirituality Group is currently studying Miroslav Volf’s “A Public Faith: How Followers of Christ Should Serve the Common Good”. It speaks to an important issue and I’m enjoying it. My guess is that you might have already read it but if not you might want to give it a try. All my best to you, Rose and the kids. Peace, Bill

  2. Hi Bill and Dawn! I feel the same way about our conversations. It helps that we are looking less for “winning” and more for real solutions.

    Thanks for the feedback. I’m compelled in the direction you named, particularly toward “reflective not reactive”. Thanks for the feedback!

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